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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My beloved Brother... (JAMES) :-)

I am full of the memories of a good, good man.
I am in need of his laughter, his jokes
I am fortunate to have experienced his guidance, and his compassion.
I am blessed to have had his love,
to have him as a brother, a father,
and a brother again, and finally, a friend.

His capacity for giving to the people he cared for was boundless,

his stamina was a wonder.

I am stunned into sadness

Grief that is beyond words embraces me.

I am grateful for our time together

I am resentful of its brevity.

My life has been forever changed for having known him.

And forever changed for having lost him.

I love you, my brother.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Looking back in my life!

When exactly is it in life when you expect that your becoming an adult? For me I think I'm still in transition. I am ready for the real world but I still trying to get use to being responsible. I got a job for the responsibility and to make money but when I should be accounting for how much money I make I simply slack off. In fact I don't even do it. I should also be saving but I can't even do that. Once I get my check I am ready to spend it and regret it later when I'm broke. There have been many times when I had to resort to the change in my ashtray for gas money.

Growing up is something that I look as bittersweet. It's great that that I am going to have responsibility and have more control of my life, but I also scars me. What if I fail? What if I make those bad decisions? I've never been a very responsible person, I look to other for help and for guidance but I am going to have to start doing it on my own. Responsibility isn't hard but its something I have to get use to. Having a job is great. You have money, you have responsibility but I can't say "Well, I don't feel like working today so I'm not going in". It is a commitment and maybe that's something that I had a problem with simply because a feeling of being trapped.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Missing my classmate and Hello to new friends...

Time finally come to an ending story...
a new chapter ends and a farewell to all my friends
(ka senti pud oi)
hay...well life does do separation and now wer goin'
hayy... it seems that life go in diff. ways...
I am so busy... that this is my come back post to all the hassle in skol

I have many memories (good and bad) and I treasured it most...
so sad that we live each other and meet new friendship
huhuhuh... gonna miss yah all hoping naa mo sa good health
I want to extend my gratitude to you all
because we form friendship in our little ways and
because of this I will treasure it most...
See yah nalang sa ILOILO CITY...
Thanks for the friendship...
...also for the cheats! hehehe
gonna miss yah all!


To My Dearest ...,

You know that I'm a person of few words. I don't often say what is on my mind and even if I do, it usually doesn't come out quite right. But what I do not express verbally doesn't mean I don't feel it in my heart.

I may not say I love you everyday as some do. I may not have bought you beautiful gifts on occasions that matter. I may not have empathized when you were crying out for understanding. And I may not have done the right things to make you feel loved.

If you are going to judge me on these things alone, I know I have failed miserably. But if only you could look through my heart to see who it is beating for, you would know the depth of my love for you.

Darling, my emotions may not show but a love that is mostly hidden like mine is always deep and eternal. My heart can accommodate no other apart from you and I know this is how it is going to be for the rest of my life.

Expressionless I may be. Cold I may seem. But true love doesn't need to be shown. It resides in the heart just as how it resides deep in mine. And no matter the seasons that will come and go, it will be there withstanding the test of time.

As I write this today, the words are hard to flow. It is not my nature to be expressive. But no matter what, I want you to know that you are loved and cherished. And I want you to know that I do care. My words will never be able to describe exactly how I feel so, let me end this letter with 3 simple words, straight from my heart:

I love you.

Forever yours ...

Saturday, July 31, 2010


This is short. I will post it all here.

To all who need encouragement,

Listen to these words and take heart. I am only 20 years old, yet I have been told I have wisdom beyond my years. I know that at times you feel you must do everything at once. Slow down. You have the rest of your life.

I have always told myself “I never want to look back on my life and regret having had the opportunity to do something yet did not do it”.

Life is an adventure to those who dare to take the challenge. Grab on to it. Hang on with all your might. It will take you to limitless places. The words “I cannot” are stumbling blocks. They are a demon that must be eradicated. Do not be afraid to try something new, even if you make mistakes while doing it. Mistakes are how we learn. This is how we can face life head on. Do not be afraid to cry, either for happiness or sorrow. That is what tears are for. Do not be afraid to laugh or be silly. If it makes you happy, or causes someone else to feel the same, then by all means do it. Do not be afraid of what other people think. If they do not like what they see, they can look away. Choose your friends wisely. Take only those who accept you for what you are. It is better to go through life without friends than to have those who project negativity. They are only nooses that will soon hang you.

I have often heard people say “I want to go out into the world and find myself”. Some people spend their entire lives trying to “find” themselves. In order to truly find yourself, you need to look deep inside. To succeed in this wretched world you need to know yourself. Once you have mastered that then you will find yourself much happier. Understand your mind. It is yours. Take command of it.

People talk about relationships. How they search and search but never find that special someone. I say this. Do not look for love. Let it find you. True love is not something you create. It just appears and you can’t explain why. That is how I found my BOYFRIEND. And I have never regretted it. I have known people to go from relationship to relationship trying to find that perfect “image” to be seen with. All the while their own image is being dashed to pieces. These people will never be happy. They only think they are. They say to me “Oh I’ll just keep searching. There are many fish in the sea”. To which I tell them “Ah yes, but you will eventually run out of fish!”

That is all I have to offer for now. I am not trying to be philosophical. I am speaking from experience. You can either take all of this to heart, a portion of it, or none at all. It is entirely up to you.


One who has experienced it.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Long Distance Relationship

A thousand kisses will never be,
Enough to satisfy my craving heart's plea,
Tommorrow will be the day I love you more,
Than today or yesterday or ever before,
Words and phrases will never do,
What my heart feels so deeply for you,
Deeper and deeper my feelings go,
My head is spinning too and fro,
I want you here, forever and more,
For our hearts to join and together explore,
Our hearts beat and beat as one,
Feel what I'm feeling, it's only begun.

Yet, my heart feels as though it's within a cage,
And slowly my desire turns to rage.
You are so close yet so far,
At times like this I wish upon a star.
I wish you were here and not over there,
Yet life is hard as well as unfair.
All I can do is wish and wait,
Until we meet again as that is our fate.
I love you more than my words can say,
And forever my love will grow each passing day.
Until the day I gently hold your face,
Kiss your lips within a candle lit place,
Hold you close and feel you near,
Kiss your cheek, whisper to your ear,
Feel your soft skin beneath my hand,
Feel your energy inside expand.
I'll wish for that moment as I always do,
And I've wished upon a star, it will come true.

An Ideal Teacher....

The ideal teacher is creative, insightful, informative, and encourages students to solve their problems through deductive reasoning.

In my life I have had several teachers of all different types. I’ve been lucky enough to have people to teach me about life, and general living strategy, as well as traditional academic teachers that we generally associate with the word teacher. I believe I have a good understanding of what I believe to the ideal teacher. The ideal teacher is creative, insightful, informative, and encourages students to solve their problems through deductive reasoning.

The ideal teacher can be creative in several different ways. Creativity can be expressed in thought, actions, and emotion.


Friday, July 23, 2010


In our apparently stressful, competitive and demanding world, we experience disappointments, refusals, betrayals, envy and inadequacy. This might lead to boredom, depression or sadness. Well, I would like to believe everyone experiences such so as to appreciate success, approvals, sincerity, happiness and security. Before we compare ourselves to others or think of what we weren’t able to accomplish or have, let us know what we have, appreciate the things we were blessed with and to count our blessings.

I am blessed and thankful to have been trained by the schools I went to and to the family I belong in to always appreciate what I have. I was also taught that humility is a sign of security, selflessness and of being good-natured. Furthermore, I was told that life isn’t a competition but rather it is about how one can be a productive member of the society and that life should be about unity and working hand in hand for a better community. It might be a dream to work for a perfect society but as they say it won’t hurt if we work for a high goal so that if we won’t be able to hit the mark at least we tried and hopefully we reached something close to it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thank You Second Year of BTTC!

Perhaps teachers might like this poem from teacher to student to give to their best student or to the whole class. Also appropriate if you are a teacher retiring.

It was great to have you as students
You made my job worthwhile
I looked forward to every day
With anticipation and a smile!

You made my job rewarding
In each and every sense
With students like you
Classes were far from boring!

Now it's time to say goodbye
What more can I say
Other than that I shall miss you all
Cos you brightened up my days.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I am full of energy. I am spirited and boisterous.

I am bold and daring. I am willing to do some pretty outrageous things.

My high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. I can have a pretty bad temper at times.

I am friendly, charming, and warm. I get along with almost everyone.

I work hard not to rock the boat. My easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, I can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, I pull it together.

I am very intuitive and wise. I understand the world better than most people.

I also have a very active imagination. I often get carried away with your thoughts.

I am prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. I sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

I am wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. I am always up to something.

I have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle me. I am very intense.

I definitely am a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But my kind of trouble is a lot of fun .

I am usually the best at everything ... I strive for perfection.

I am confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

I have the classic "Type A" personality.

I am relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

I am light hearted and accepting. I don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what my secret to life is.

Generally, I use my powers for good. I excel at solving other people's problems.

Occasionally, I do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in my interest.

I am truly an original person. I have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for me... especially in business and academia.

Some people find me to be selfish and a bit overbearing. I am a strong person.

I am the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

I have the whole world under my spell, and I can influence almost everyone I know.

I don't always resist my urges to crush the weak.

I am a free spirit, and I resent anyone who tries to fence me in.

I am unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.

I may miss out by not settling down, but I am too busy having fun to care.

I am a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go my way.

And because I am so lucky, I don't really have a lot of worries. I just hope for the best in life.

I'm open to all types of personality. I consider my self an open-minded person and that helps me adjust easily.
I like to meet people who makes sense...

pipol who care about pipol...

pipol who loves pipol...

pipol who rocks!

I want to make friends for lasting friendship!
LASTING FRIENDSHIP,i'd like to emphasize.
Uhm, I'm the kind who constantly needs a companion but now, slowly Iearning how to cope with loneliness. I'm still waiting for the time that I'l have someone who is as companionable as solitude. (nosebleed!)LOL.
Humor maybe is hidden somewhere inside of ME.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I LOVE YOU! My Dear Friend!

Dedicated to my friends in Iloilo City in ASUMPTION SOCIO EDUCATIONAL CENTER, SAN JOSE CATHOLIC SCHOOL, and, BO. OBRERO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL who fell in love with their friends! hehehehe!

A friend is someone who cares about you. The one that you can count on in times of troubles, pains, and sufferings that occur in your life. The one that you can trust with all the secrets of your life. A friend is someone who always finds time to listen to all the stories you tell and the one that is always concerned in everything that you do. These traits I found in you, that's why I really trusted you, and for all of these, I know nothing to repay you but to simply be your friend. And we share the laughter for years admitting to each other that we enjoy being with one another.
But lately little changes are slowly taking place, I just woke up one morning that my feelings for you have changed. To describe it I don't know of a way, its just that I have this weird feeling that I always want to see your cute face, to hear your sweet voice, and feel your gentle touch. And when it's already my chance to see you, my knees began trembling, my heart pounding faster than ever, my mind began to mix up. "What shall I do? Will I put face powder on my face? What? What now?" Asking myself as if I was crazy. Then you suddenly appear right in front of me smiling. "Oh my! What shall I say?" I said to myself. And nevertheless I was speechless. No words to say, no stories to tell, nothing. But I managed to keep my feelings hidden.
I wanted that moment to last forever but unfortunately, the day is about to end, and nothing can we do about it, so we just bid goodbye to each other, and hope to see one another sooner.
That night, I was wondering under the dim moonlight. Dreaming about you and I, walking hands in hands, talking sweetly about sweet nothing… "Oh My!" I said to myself. "What's this happening to me as if I was bewitched by somebody? Is this love? What can I do about it?" That night I slept with a smile in my lips.
On the next day, I see you wearing a blue cold face. I asked, "What's Wrong?" while cheering you with all my might, but inside I too was dying. You told me it's because of a girl you like most but despite the things you have done for her, she just can't learn how to love you. My tears started to stream down my cheeks. You thought I understand you and that's what causes me to cry. "No, you don't understand," I wanted this to tell you, "I was crying because like you, I really felt something special for someone and that's you, but whatever I do, you just can't feel that I love you too! And now you're telling me you're in love with somebody! What about me? What about my feelings for you?" These words I don't have the guts to tell, so I just chose to be quiet and it's all a secret for me to keep.

I spent that night crying endlessly. I can feel that boundless woe blanketing my lonely soul. "What shall I do now?" Will I let you know about my feelings for you?" These question rolled out of my mind. But after that, I remembered that I valued our friendship too much that I can't stand to loose it just because of this stupid feeling they called LOVE.
That was my first decision, but I realized that I couldn't be your friend without thinking about my feelings for you. "What will happen to me now? Now that I can't hide my feelings anymore? … … Now I know what to do…" I sadly whispered to myself. I know it will take a long time for me to do this but I know it's a must. Many hours passed and I spent it all by crying, for I promised to myself that, that will be the last time that I will cry just because of you. However I was wrong in this.

The next day I met you, I know I have practiced every word that I shall tell you. But I just stop myself from crying the moment I saw you drawing near. But I wipe it all dry for I have a very important message for you. But before I have the chance to tell you these words, you greeted me with a cheerful smile and a warm "Hi!" Ignoring this I told you, "Farewell,". You asked me "Why?" Once again my tears began to fall because of the deep pain that I'm hiding inside but I know I must continue. "Farewell my friend. For I am not worthy to be your friend. For a long time, I have betrayed our friendship." I said. "Betrayed?" I can't remember any time that you betrayed our friendship!" You said. But in your face I can see that you're so confused. I must finish I know for ‘this is the only way to forget your love," this is my heart instructing me for it too was hurt. I took a deep breath and said, "No, you don't understand. I have betrayed it. I have promised that we will be friends forever but suddenly I felt that you already had a special place in my heart. I'm sorry. And now I'm leaving with all our happy and sad memories. But before I go, I want you to know that I LOVE YOU … MY DEAR FRIEND." After this, I run with all my might even though I heard you shout, "Wait!" I can't stand any single moment that I can hear your sweet and gentle voice because underneath that is the fact that you could never be mine… …


Monday, June 21, 2010

I love You!

Have you ever felt,
Like you were holding a fragile heart,

That could break any second,
And then it shatters,

And you don't know how to fix it?
Then your world goes wild,

With everything spinning but you,
You stand still and stare at the moment,

Not knowing what to say,
Not even paying attention anymore.

You want to say something to help the moment,
But tears are saying enough.

I want to hold the pieces of your broken heart,
And put it back to one.

I hold you close,
Hoping you can forgive me,

For hurting you so badly,
I tell you I love you,

And it's far from a lie.
I cry on your chest,

Apologizing again and again
You finally pull me away and lift my face up towards yours,

I look into your eyes,
Wanting to turn away,

But I'm forced by love to keep looking.
And you say the three words I longed to hear::

I love you.
You wipe away the tears,

Leaning forward to place a kiss upon my lips,
And you pull me away,

Holding me close as you can,
You tell me once more at the same time I tell you::

I love you.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To the one I love...

I want you to know how much I appreciate all of the things you do for me. You make me feel needed, wanted, and cared about. When you say you will never lie to me I believe you. You are absolutely amazing. The most amazing person I have ever met. You always make sure I'm smiling, laughing, and having a good time. When I am in your arms I feel so safe and it makes me think I am the luckiest person in the world to have such an amazing boyfriend. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You have the most beautiful eyes and the most caring heart. For once in my life I feel beautiful and wanted. It is unbelievable how I can be myself around you and feel so close to you, I feel like I have known you for ever. I couldn't imagine my life without you, I couldn't imagine going to bed and waking up without you next to me. I love looking back and thinking of the way we met and how it all started in one of the event we are together all the time. Every time you came in I would get so nervous and my stomach would be filled with butterflies. Little did I know you felt the same way about me, it's crazy and ironic.I haven't been happier since the day I FINALLY became your partner. I may not be the nicest or the best person to you sometimes, and I promise you that I will treat you how you deserve to be treated from now on. When you are not around you are all I think about. Forever ain't enough to let you know how I really loved you!

March, 6, 2010! I love forever!

Lorjan Mansueto

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A poem from my boyfriend!

You make me feel special,
You make me feel new,
You make me feel loved,
With everything you do.

You hold me close when I am sad.
You wipe the tears from my face.
Every time we are together,
It seems like the perfect place.

My eyes light up when you enter a room.
I smile when we are together.
No matter how bad things are,
You always make them better.

I love the way you kiss me,
The way you hold me tight.
I love the way you touch me,
I could be with you all night.

I love the way you can make me laugh
For absolutely no reason at all.
I love how no matter what I do,
You will be there to catch me when I fall.

I just want you to know,
That even though we sometimes fight,
I will always love you!
No matter what, day or night.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy 2nd Monthsary to my boyfriend!

i remember the first day we first met,the day where everything in my life change..you make me a better person,you taught me on how to love seriously,you taught me on how to be responsible,you taught me on how to be real,and u taught me on how to defend myself...All the things I learned from you will never be erased.I love you with all my heart and soul,I don't care what will other people say about us,the important is what we felt for each other.on this day, March 6, 2010 (11:27 pm, saturday), is the time where I totally give my whole love for you..the day when I'm ready to fall in-love again..the day when I'm ready to sacrifice just for you..Bhe, you are my life..I love you, and I'm happy that we pass all the challenges in our relationship..I'm happy cuz' you never give up, you fight for our love..I love you so much, and I always will..Till' death do us part tau dba?? Walang iwanan kahit kailan kahit anu man ang mangyari sa atin...HAPPY 2ND MONTHSARY Bhe..I love you so much.mwah.

Friday, April 9, 2010

May 5K ba ang Kandidato mo? Matalino ka naman diba? Iboto ang tamang Kandidato!

May 5K ba ang Kandidato mo?

I Love You

Have you ever felt,
Like you were holding a fragile heart,

That could break any second,
And then it shatters,

And you don't know how to fix it?
Then your world goes wild,

With everything spinning but you,
You stand still and stare at the moment,

Not knowing what to say,
Not even paying attention anymore.

You want to say something to help the moment,
But tears are saying enough.

I want to hold the pieces of your broken heart,
And put it back to one.

I hold you close,
Hoping you can forgive me,

For hurting you so badly,
I tell you I love you,

And it's far from a lie.
I cry on your chest,

Apologizing again and again
You finally pull me away and lift my face up towards yours,

I look into your eyes,
Wanting to turn away,

But I'm forced by love to keep looking.
And you say the three words I longed to hear::

I love you.
You wipe away the tears,

Leaning forward to place a kiss upon my lips,
And you pull me away,

Holding me close as you can,
You tell me once more at the same time I tell you::

I love you.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Love... Confused... Complicated...

Minsan daw, kakapagod magmahal:
minsan masaya tapos may oras na iiyak ka!
Sabi nila magsasawa din ako.
Sabi ko di totoo yun! Alam mo bakit?
"kailan ba nagsawa ang taong nagmamahal ng totoo"......

kahit gaano ko kalakas isigaw sa
buong mundo kung gaano pa rin kita kamahal,
hindi mo ito maririnig dahil iba na mundo mo

Minsan ang daling sabihing
mahal mo sya pero ang totoo,
mas mahal mo yung isa!
pero bakit mo pinipilit na mahalin yung isa?
Simple lang! Syempre, para makalimutan mo
yung mahal mong talaga! Tama ba?

Sana.. Di na lang kita nakilala..
masaya naman ako nun e,
kqhit nung wqla ka pa!
Di tulad ngayon..
Pinapahirapan mo lang ako,
alam kong di mo sinasadyang makilala ako..
Ako rin eh, di ko sinasadyang mahalin ka!!!

Importante ba yung word na mahal?
Ewan ko lang pero para sa akin
mas importante ka, lam mo kung bakit?
Kse how can i say "mahal kita"…
kung wala ka naman!!

I know its now over between us,
but how come i can’t forget you?
How come i get hurt when i see you with someone else?
Perhaps you still have a space in my heart that says,
"love pa rin kita baby kahit la kana..."

Saying i miss u had been used many times,
that its meaning i lost..
But don’t worry, when i say i miss u…
it’s my own way of saying…
" lam mo hinahanap ka na ng puso k0".

Ipinagpalit ko lahat para sayo,
iniwan ko siya, dahil lang sayo…
kse mahal kta.. Pero iniwan mo din ako…
ngayon, alam mo ba kung sino kasama't kadamay ko?
… siya, na iniwan ko, dahil lang sayo

Minsan tinanong kita,
" bakit mo sya mahal? " sabi mo sa kin,
" kse matagal na napagsamahan namin",
nainis ako kse manhid ka,
di m0 man lang naisip na
kung gaano kayo katagal,
mas matagal kitang hinintay

Pag may nagsabi sayo’ng "i don’t like you"
wag mong damdamin..
Hilahin m0 k0 at saka m0 sabihin sa kanya’ng
"hu cares?!" eto o si ________ mahal na mahal ako!!!

Sabi nila… find a true person,
yung tanggap ka?
yung di ka iiwan in times of trouble..
yung the best?! Natawa ako…
kse sa isip ko.. Bakit pa?
Eh… nandyan ka na!

Minsan, hirap din pala
magpahalaga sa isang tao..
yun tipong lagi ka andyan para sa kanya,
kasama sa gitna ng gyera,
karamay sa problema..
Tapos 1 araw, magigising ka na lang…
iniwan ka rin pala!!!

Minsan nagmahal ka...
Minsan nasaktan ka...
Pero ni minsan ba di mo naisip na...
Minsan ka na ring...Minahal...
At nakasakit ng iba?....

Ayaw ng mga tao sayo para sa kin...
Sabi ko paki ba nila! Mahal mo naman ako...
Ayoko sanang maniwala sa
kanila na niloloko mo lang ako..
Pero pinatunayan mo...
Iniharap mo cya sa kin!!!

Aalis ako kasi may iba kang gusto..
.Aalis ako kasi alam kong mahal
mo cya at mahal ka rin nya...
Aalis na lang ako ha?
Kasi sa tingin ko,masaya ka na...
Pero babalik din ako...
Pag iniwan ka nya

Der are times in my life that
i just want 2 give up & let lose,
but have you ever thought why
I’m still here fighting against depression..?
Kse andyan ka e...
Wag mo ko iiwan ha..! Bibigay ako

Even if someone already owns your heart,
i dont give a damn!
Though the pain is killing me,
i wont care at all! I wont steal you from her but ill
tell her... "mahalin mo siya para sa akin ha..."

Diba sinabi ko sayo noon pa na gusto kita?
Pinaramdam ko rin sayo na kelangan kita diba?
Isang araw tinabihan pa kita at sinabing,
"alam mo, mahal kita" pero sabi mo naman...
"kaw talaga nagpapatawa ka ba?!"

Kala ko nun tapos na...
kala ko nakalimutan na kita,
di ko inaasahang aabot sa ganito...
nababaliw na ko sa pagmamahal sayo!
ito lang tanong ko,ako kaya...mahal mo?!

Masaya ka ba sa kanya?
Sabi mo..sure! Masaya ba sya sa yo?
Sabi mo..sure! Yun naman pala,
eh bakit ka umiiyak?
Sabi mo.."kasi akala ko kaya ko pag wala ka..
hindi pala

"kahit masakit, pinilit kitang kalimutan...
Kahit masakit, pinilit kong wag umiyak...
Kahit masakit, pinilit kong wag magtiis...
Pero kahit anong gawin ko,
kaw parin ang mahal ko eh...
Kahit masakit!"

Kung noon pa sinabi ko na,
eh di sana kasama na kita...
Kung noon pa sinabi ko na,
eh di sana tayo na talaga...
Ngayon alam mo gusto kita,
pwede pa ba? Di na siguro,
dahil sabi mo, "noon pa sana."

Iiwan mo ko? Sayang!…
mahal pa naman kita…
sakin ah! Pero sabagay
bat nga naman ako masasaktan?
E kahit kelan naman,di ka naging akin!

Sabi mo gusto mo ko,
sabi mo konting panahon na lang
magkakasama na tayo,
sabi mo iiwan mo na sya…
sabi mo intayin kita,
sabi mo mas mahal mo ako,
bakit ngayon asan ka na?
Bakit kapiling ka pa rin nya.

The only way to know if someone
truly loves you is when after
you’ve turn him down you see him rise
from the fall, walk up to you and
say mahal kita! Higit pa sa ginawa ko dati!

Sabi mo andyan ka lang..
Pero bakit wala ka?
Sabi mo di mo ko iiwan..
Pero asan ka? Sabi mo mahal mo ko..
Pero bakit d ko maramdaman?
Yun pala sinabi mo lang lahat yun...
Para d ako masaktan

Pag sobrang lapit mo sa isang kaibigan,
matutunan mo syang mahalin noh?
Kaya wag kang lalapit sa akin ha?
At baka mahalin kita…
tapos yun pala para sayo “friend” mo lang ako…

noon sabi mo, hindi kita iiwan.
Magkasama tayo kahit na anong laban…
ipagtatangol, poprotektahan…
naniwala namana ko… nasiyahan…
yun pala hindi na natin kailangan ng laban….
Dumating lang siya…
alam ko na kung sinong talunan

I could never find another one who
could compare to you.
I may love again but not the way i have loved you.
You may only be a part of my past
but you know what?
Everytime i see you, i whisper...
"minahal ko yan."

sabi ko "mahal na mahal kita"
sabi mo "alam ko na yun" tanong
ko "ako ba mahal mo?"
sagot mo "oo naman higit pa sa buhay ko"
napaluha ako sa tuwa tapos sabi mo..
"o, wag na iyak bestfriend ko

Alam ko wala na akong halaga sayo,
napapansin ko.
Alam ko hindi mo na ako mahal tulad ng dati,
nakikita ko sa mga kilos mo.
Pero kahit balewala na ko syo,
nandito lang ako na patuloy na
magamamahal syo...

I don’t want to see you happy for a moment
but always. i never want to see you crying even
for just a second, but if that’s the only way to
ease the pain in your heart..
”Huwag ka pa rin iiyak..ako na lng.”

Natatandaan mo dati...umiiyak ako...
Sabi mo "tama na! nandito lang ako..."
tapos ngayon umiiyak pa rin ako.
.pero ang sinabi mo...
"tama na,makakalimutan mo rin ako.."

I’ve always thought that i have
2 fight 4 what i really feel..
I’ve fought & got hurt,
still i tried 2 give it a chance..
But now i don’t know if i still believe
in that kse tao lang ako... Napapagod din!!

If you were beside me,
i'd stare at you, look deep into your eyes
while holding you very tight...
And as i look at your face,
i'd close my eyes and pray...
I' wish to god...God...
Sana habambuhay akin lang sya..."

Nasaktan ka ba ng malaman mong
may mahal na kong iba?...
Pasensya na ha..ayoko na kasing umasa...
pagod na rin kong maghintay...
pero makakatulong ba kung sabihin kong...
handa ko siyang iwan para sa yo....

sabi nla t*nga ako,sabi nila bobo ako,
lahat na sinabi nila,pero bakit mahal pa rin kita?
Sabi ko...kala ko kse may pag-asa,wala pala!nasaktan tuloy ako

minsan na tanong ko sa sarili ko "iniisip mo kaya ako?"
aba.ewan koh! hindi ko alam! wala akong idea...
pero ok lang yun... sanay naman akong laging binabalewala eh..

Lorjan (Unbreakable Heart)

This is the Effect! Haizt!

Alone... Lonely... Depressed... Finally I Found him... (Mahal Koh)