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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Looking back in my life!

When exactly is it in life when you expect that your becoming an adult? For me I think I'm still in transition. I am ready for the real world but I still trying to get use to being responsible. I got a job for the responsibility and to make money but when I should be accounting for how much money I make I simply slack off. In fact I don't even do it. I should also be saving but I can't even do that. Once I get my check I am ready to spend it and regret it later when I'm broke. There have been many times when I had to resort to the change in my ashtray for gas money.

Growing up is something that I look as bittersweet. It's great that that I am going to have responsibility and have more control of my life, but I also scars me. What if I fail? What if I make those bad decisions? I've never been a very responsible person, I look to other for help and for guidance but I am going to have to start doing it on my own. Responsibility isn't hard but its something I have to get use to. Having a job is great. You have money, you have responsibility but I can't say "Well, I don't feel like working today so I'm not going in". It is a commitment and maybe that's something that I had a problem with simply because a feeling of being trapped.


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