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Saturday, July 31, 2010


This is short. I will post it all here.

To all who need encouragement,

Listen to these words and take heart. I am only 20 years old, yet I have been told I have wisdom beyond my years. I know that at times you feel you must do everything at once. Slow down. You have the rest of your life.

I have always told myself “I never want to look back on my life and regret having had the opportunity to do something yet did not do it”.

Life is an adventure to those who dare to take the challenge. Grab on to it. Hang on with all your might. It will take you to limitless places. The words “I cannot” are stumbling blocks. They are a demon that must be eradicated. Do not be afraid to try something new, even if you make mistakes while doing it. Mistakes are how we learn. This is how we can face life head on. Do not be afraid to cry, either for happiness or sorrow. That is what tears are for. Do not be afraid to laugh or be silly. If it makes you happy, or causes someone else to feel the same, then by all means do it. Do not be afraid of what other people think. If they do not like what they see, they can look away. Choose your friends wisely. Take only those who accept you for what you are. It is better to go through life without friends than to have those who project negativity. They are only nooses that will soon hang you.

I have often heard people say “I want to go out into the world and find myself”. Some people spend their entire lives trying to “find” themselves. In order to truly find yourself, you need to look deep inside. To succeed in this wretched world you need to know yourself. Once you have mastered that then you will find yourself much happier. Understand your mind. It is yours. Take command of it.

People talk about relationships. How they search and search but never find that special someone. I say this. Do not look for love. Let it find you. True love is not something you create. It just appears and you can’t explain why. That is how I found my BOYFRIEND. And I have never regretted it. I have known people to go from relationship to relationship trying to find that perfect “image” to be seen with. All the while their own image is being dashed to pieces. These people will never be happy. They only think they are. They say to me “Oh I’ll just keep searching. There are many fish in the sea”. To which I tell them “Ah yes, but you will eventually run out of fish!”

That is all I have to offer for now. I am not trying to be philosophical. I am speaking from experience. You can either take all of this to heart, a portion of it, or none at all. It is entirely up to you.


One who has experienced it.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Long Distance Relationship

A thousand kisses will never be,
Enough to satisfy my craving heart's plea,
Tommorrow will be the day I love you more,
Than today or yesterday or ever before,
Words and phrases will never do,
What my heart feels so deeply for you,
Deeper and deeper my feelings go,
My head is spinning too and fro,
I want you here, forever and more,
For our hearts to join and together explore,
Our hearts beat and beat as one,
Feel what I'm feeling, it's only begun.

Yet, my heart feels as though it's within a cage,
And slowly my desire turns to rage.
You are so close yet so far,
At times like this I wish upon a star.
I wish you were here and not over there,
Yet life is hard as well as unfair.
All I can do is wish and wait,
Until we meet again as that is our fate.
I love you more than my words can say,
And forever my love will grow each passing day.
Until the day I gently hold your face,
Kiss your lips within a candle lit place,
Hold you close and feel you near,
Kiss your cheek, whisper to your ear,
Feel your soft skin beneath my hand,
Feel your energy inside expand.
I'll wish for that moment as I always do,
And I've wished upon a star, it will come true.

An Ideal Teacher....

The ideal teacher is creative, insightful, informative, and encourages students to solve their problems through deductive reasoning.

In my life I have had several teachers of all different types. I’ve been lucky enough to have people to teach me about life, and general living strategy, as well as traditional academic teachers that we generally associate with the word teacher. I believe I have a good understanding of what I believe to the ideal teacher. The ideal teacher is creative, insightful, informative, and encourages students to solve their problems through deductive reasoning.

The ideal teacher can be creative in several different ways. Creativity can be expressed in thought, actions, and emotion.


Friday, July 23, 2010


In our apparently stressful, competitive and demanding world, we experience disappointments, refusals, betrayals, envy and inadequacy. This might lead to boredom, depression or sadness. Well, I would like to believe everyone experiences such so as to appreciate success, approvals, sincerity, happiness and security. Before we compare ourselves to others or think of what we weren’t able to accomplish or have, let us know what we have, appreciate the things we were blessed with and to count our blessings.

I am blessed and thankful to have been trained by the schools I went to and to the family I belong in to always appreciate what I have. I was also taught that humility is a sign of security, selflessness and of being good-natured. Furthermore, I was told that life isn’t a competition but rather it is about how one can be a productive member of the society and that life should be about unity and working hand in hand for a better community. It might be a dream to work for a perfect society but as they say it won’t hurt if we work for a high goal so that if we won’t be able to hit the mark at least we tried and hopefully we reached something close to it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thank You Second Year of BTTC!

Perhaps teachers might like this poem from teacher to student to give to their best student or to the whole class. Also appropriate if you are a teacher retiring.

It was great to have you as students
You made my job worthwhile
I looked forward to every day
With anticipation and a smile!

You made my job rewarding
In each and every sense
With students like you
Classes were far from boring!

Now it's time to say goodbye
What more can I say
Other than that I shall miss you all
Cos you brightened up my days.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I am full of energy. I am spirited and boisterous.

I am bold and daring. I am willing to do some pretty outrageous things.

My high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. I can have a pretty bad temper at times.

I am friendly, charming, and warm. I get along with almost everyone.

I work hard not to rock the boat. My easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, I can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, I pull it together.

I am very intuitive and wise. I understand the world better than most people.

I also have a very active imagination. I often get carried away with your thoughts.

I am prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. I sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

I am wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. I am always up to something.

I have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle me. I am very intense.

I definitely am a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But my kind of trouble is a lot of fun .

I am usually the best at everything ... I strive for perfection.

I am confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

I have the classic "Type A" personality.

I am relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

I am light hearted and accepting. I don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what my secret to life is.

Generally, I use my powers for good. I excel at solving other people's problems.

Occasionally, I do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in my interest.

I am truly an original person. I have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for me... especially in business and academia.

Some people find me to be selfish and a bit overbearing. I am a strong person.

I am the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

I have the whole world under my spell, and I can influence almost everyone I know.

I don't always resist my urges to crush the weak.

I am a free spirit, and I resent anyone who tries to fence me in.

I am unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.

I may miss out by not settling down, but I am too busy having fun to care.

I am a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go my way.

And because I am so lucky, I don't really have a lot of worries. I just hope for the best in life.

I'm open to all types of personality. I consider my self an open-minded person and that helps me adjust easily.
I like to meet people who makes sense...

pipol who care about pipol...

pipol who loves pipol...

pipol who rocks!

I want to make friends for lasting friendship!
LASTING FRIENDSHIP,i'd like to emphasize.
Uhm, I'm the kind who constantly needs a companion but now, slowly Iearning how to cope with loneliness. I'm still waiting for the time that I'l have someone who is as companionable as solitude. (nosebleed!)LOL.
Humor maybe is hidden somewhere inside of ME.