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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My beloved Brother... (JAMES) :-)

I am full of the memories of a good, good man.
I am in need of his laughter, his jokes
I am fortunate to have experienced his guidance, and his compassion.
I am blessed to have had his love,
to have him as a brother, a father,
and a brother again, and finally, a friend.

His capacity for giving to the people he cared for was boundless,

his stamina was a wonder.

I am stunned into sadness

Grief that is beyond words embraces me.

I am grateful for our time together

I am resentful of its brevity.

My life has been forever changed for having known him.

And forever changed for having lost him.

I love you, my brother.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Looking back in my life!

When exactly is it in life when you expect that your becoming an adult? For me I think I'm still in transition. I am ready for the real world but I still trying to get use to being responsible. I got a job for the responsibility and to make money but when I should be accounting for how much money I make I simply slack off. In fact I don't even do it. I should also be saving but I can't even do that. Once I get my check I am ready to spend it and regret it later when I'm broke. There have been many times when I had to resort to the change in my ashtray for gas money.

Growing up is something that I look as bittersweet. It's great that that I am going to have responsibility and have more control of my life, but I also scars me. What if I fail? What if I make those bad decisions? I've never been a very responsible person, I look to other for help and for guidance but I am going to have to start doing it on my own. Responsibility isn't hard but its something I have to get use to. Having a job is great. You have money, you have responsibility but I can't say "Well, I don't feel like working today so I'm not going in". It is a commitment and maybe that's something that I had a problem with simply because a feeling of being trapped.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Missing my classmate and Hello to new friends...

Time finally come to an ending story...
a new chapter ends and a farewell to all my friends
(ka senti pud oi)
hay...well life does do separation and now wer goin'
hayy... it seems that life go in diff. ways...
I am so busy... that this is my come back post to all the hassle in skol

I have many memories (good and bad) and I treasured it most...
so sad that we live each other and meet new friendship
huhuhuh... gonna miss yah all hoping naa mo sa good health
I want to extend my gratitude to you all
because we form friendship in our little ways and
because of this I will treasure it most...
See yah nalang sa ILOILO CITY...
Thanks for the friendship...
...also for the cheats! hehehe
gonna miss yah all!


To My Dearest ...,

You know that I'm a person of few words. I don't often say what is on my mind and even if I do, it usually doesn't come out quite right. But what I do not express verbally doesn't mean I don't feel it in my heart.

I may not say I love you everyday as some do. I may not have bought you beautiful gifts on occasions that matter. I may not have empathized when you were crying out for understanding. And I may not have done the right things to make you feel loved.

If you are going to judge me on these things alone, I know I have failed miserably. But if only you could look through my heart to see who it is beating for, you would know the depth of my love for you.

Darling, my emotions may not show but a love that is mostly hidden like mine is always deep and eternal. My heart can accommodate no other apart from you and I know this is how it is going to be for the rest of my life.

Expressionless I may be. Cold I may seem. But true love doesn't need to be shown. It resides in the heart just as how it resides deep in mine. And no matter the seasons that will come and go, it will be there withstanding the test of time.

As I write this today, the words are hard to flow. It is not my nature to be expressive. But no matter what, I want you to know that you are loved and cherished. And I want you to know that I do care. My words will never be able to describe exactly how I feel so, let me end this letter with 3 simple words, straight from my heart:

I love you.

Forever yours ...